Tindak Tutur Ekspresif dalam Novel My Stupid Boss 5 Karya Chaos@Work

Ai Kurniati


The novel My Stupid Boss 5 by Chaos @ Work became the most awaited novel by fans after the release of the novel My Stupid Boss 1-4. The series of humorous stories in this novel are true stories from the author. This paper discusses the speech acts in the novel My Stupid Boss 5 because almost all the utterances in the story of this novel contain different expressions. Every expression that arises is the author's strategy to make the story have a sense of humour. The funny and adorable utterances of the characters in the story, pragmatically, can be examined in illocutionary acts, more specifically expressive speech acts. This study aims to describe expressive speech acts in the novel My Stupid Boss 5. The method used is descriptive-qualitative as a problem-solving procedure by describing expressive speech acts in the novel My Stupid Boss 5. My Stupid Boss 5 novel by Chaos @ Work has a tendency to have expressive illocutionary acts with five (5) indicators: (a) expressive speech acts criticizing, (b) expressive speech acts of complaining, (c) expressive speech acts of blaming, (d) expressive speech acts praising, and (e) expressive speech acts flattering.


Novel My Stupid Boss 5 karya Chaos@Work ini menjadi novel yang paling ditunggu oleh penggemarnya setelah rilis novel My Stupid Boss 1—4.  Cerita berseri genre humor dalam novel ini merupakan kisah nyata dari penulisnya. Tulisan ini membahas tindak tutur dalam novel My Stupid Boss 5 karena hampir semua tuturan di dalam cerita novel ini mengandung ekspresi yang berbeda- beda. Setiap ekspresi yang timbul merupakan strategi si penulis untuk menjadikan cerita tersebut memiliki daya humor. Tuturan-tuturan yang lucu dan menggemaskan dari tokoh dalam cerita tersebut, secara pragmatik  dapat ditelaah dalam tindak tutur ilokusi, lebih khusus lagi tindak tutur ekspresif. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tindak tutur ekspresif dalam novel My Stupid Boss 5. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif-kualitatif sebagai prosedur pemecahan masalah dengan menggambarkan tindak tutur ekspresif dalam novel My Stupid Boss 5.  Novel  My Stupid Boss 5 karya Chaos@Work memiliki kecenderungan memiliki tindak tutur ilokusi ekspresif dengan lima (5) indikator: (a) tindak tutur ekspresif mengkritik, (b) tindak tutur ekspresif mengeluh, (c) tindak tutur ekpresif menyalahkan, (d) tindak tutur ekspresif memuji, dan (e) tindak tutur ekspresif menyanjung.


expressive speech act; the novel My Stupid Boss 5

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26499/surbet.v15i1.172


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